June 27, 2023.
Montenegro soon to become a full member of Paris MoU on Port State Control
On 19th May Montenegro acceded to the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control and it will become its full member as of 1st July, 2023.
It is worth noting that in 2011 the Maritime Administraton of Montenegro joined the Paris MoU as a cooperating member with the prospect of becoming a full member in the future. The European Commission in its 2019 Report noted that no progress has been made in the field of port state control and membership in the Paris MoU.
In 2020 the Strategy for Development of Maritime Economy adopted by the Government of Montenegro recognized the importance of adoption of relevant legislation as significant part of the process of acceding to the Paris MoU, together with continuous training of port state inspectors. It took one year afterwards (in 2020) for the country to adopt amendments to the Law on Safety of Maritime Navigation in order to include respective provisions on the port state control. The said Strategy placed the achieving of full-membership in the Paris MoU as one of its main operational objectives which has now been fulfilled thanks to great efforts of all parties involved.
In terms of Montenegrin EU integrations, the accession to the Paris MoU represents the fulfillment of one of the key obligations related to the Chapter 14 – Transport policy.